Biden's Border Bloodbath

A memorial to the victims of President Joe Biden's Open Borders

“Joe Joe Biden speech in Philidelphia 2022

In 2020 Joe Biden campaigned on reversing President Trump's border policies. “There will not be another foot of wall constructed", Biden proclaimed. But that's not all. The Biden Administration proudly dismantled dozens of Trump immigration policies including Remain in Mexico and Title 42, resulting in a deluge of unauthorized entries into the United States. Some estimate there will be over 14 million illegal alien crossings in Biden’s first term.

This was a complete reversal of Democratic policies for decades that sought limits on immigration to protect the wages of low and middle-class Americans. Just a few years earlier, Bernie Sanders said "Open Borders, that would be a Koch brothers proposal".

What changed? In a word, Trump.

Trump challenged the decades-old, catch-and-release immigration policy and surged to prominence in the Republican primaries with the slogan “build a wall". Rather than agree with him, Democrats abandoned their historical position on immigration, and were soon trying to blame Trump for “cages", or chain link enclosures used to temporarily house immigrants, that they had built during the Obama Biden years.

Three years later we are reaping the results of Biden’s rush to dismantle immigration policy. Unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens have surged across the border from places as far as China, Afghanistan and Somalia. And a slew of high profile murders, rapes and incidents of sex trafficing have ensued.

Instead of using his powers to enforce border control, Biden instead concocted a $118 Billion Border Security Bill which included over $60 Billion for Ukraine, $14 Billion for Isreal and only $20 Billion for US border protection. Yes, you read that right. What the Biden Administration sold to the American public as a "Border Security Bill" allocated a paltry 17% for United States' border security and three times that amount for Ukraine's border security. And then Joe Biden himself had the gall to blame Trump for his troubles passing the bill.

In addition, the bill requires future administrations to implement policies that would ensure illegal immigration and naturalization of asylum seekers in record numbers. Some have called this the biggest election fraud in US history, and it's being done in plain site.

It’s important to understand that Open Border Policy is the hallmark of the Biden Administration, along with blaming everything on “White Supremacy" in an effort to persecute political opponents. Only by understanding how it happened, can we put an end to it. However, the objective of this article is to pay tribute to the numerous victims of Biden’s Border Bloodbath. If you see any post on X or legacy social media platforms, please tag them with #BidensBorderBloodbath or #BidenBorderVictims so we can find them and add them to this page.

José Antonio Ibarra

On February 22, 2024, Laken Riley, a 22-year-old American went for a jog on the campus of Augusta University where she was a medical student. Laken was abducted and killed in broad daylight. Her cause of death was reported as blunt force trauma. Georgia officials have since revealed gruesome details about the killing and accused the alleged perpetrator, an illegal alien, of “disfiguring her skull", according to an arrest affidavit.
Jose Ibarra and Riley Laken
The police arrested José Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old Venezuelan who entered the United States illegally, with Laken’s murder. Ibarra is a Venezuelan citizen who entered the U.S. illegally in 2022, according to immigration authorities. He was later arrested in New York and charged with child molestation and endangerment, and then released into the public. New York City is a Sanctuary City run by Democratic Mayor Eric Adams, within a Sanctuary State run by Democratic Governor Cathy Hochul.

Americans United is calling on Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr to sue the Biden Administration, the City of New York and the State of New York for having caused the death of Laken Riley due to their gross negligence in enforcing existing laws.

Rafael Govea Romero

Lizbeth Media was home from school December 5 2023. Her friends and family reported her missing when she failed to show up at a Christmas parade that her cheerleading team was marching in that afternoon.

Her mother Jacqueline attended the parade after work to support her daughter. When she noticed her absence she asked Lizbeth’s to find out where she might be. When Jacqueline arrived home, she found Lizbeth dead in the bathtub of their Edna apartment with multiple stab wounds.
Rafael Romero and Lizbeth Medina
The Edna Police Department later arrested Rafael Govea Romero, 23, as the suspect in her murder. According to Fox News, the indictment alleges that Romero killed Medina by causing the teenager’s “head to strike a firm surface," “striking" her head “with a hard object" and “repeatedly stabbing or cutting" her “with a sharp object or edged weapon."

Rafael Govea Romero is an illegal immigrant from Mexico who has committed multiple crimes in the United States.

Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez

Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, was found strangled and raped under a bridge in Houston on June 20, 2024.

Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, 26, and Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, were seen on surveillance video with the girl before she was found dead in a north Houston creek early Monday. They have been charged with her murder by Houston Police.

Police said earlier this week that she had called her 13-year-old boyfriend from the store at around midnight, where he heard her talking to two adults. Nungaray had lived with her family at an apartment complex not far from where her body was found, with police believing she snuck out on Sunday evening.
Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, Jocelyn Nungaray

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